An artificial eyelash used to beautify the eyes

Column:Company News Time:2023-08-16
False eyelashes are artificial eyelashes used to beautify the eyes. They are usually lengthened or thickened to make the eyes look larger, brighter, fuller, and more energetic.

False eyelashes are artificial eyelashes used to beautify the eyes. They are usually lengthened or thickened to make the eyes look larger, brighter, fuller, and more energetic. False eyelashes have a long history, and records of false eyelashes can be found in ancient Egyptian and Roman literature as early as 2000 BC. The materials used to make fake eyelashes include plastic, cotton, feathers, and other materials. However, with the use of different materials to make fake eyelashes, the effects displayed (such as exaggerated stage effects) also vary.

Trim off the eyelashes that are too long at the end of the false eyelashes, in conjunction with the curvature and length of the eyes; Apply an appropriate amount of eyelash glue evenly to the root and let it stand for 20 seconds to maximize its stickiness; Gently press along the base of the eyelashes from the head, eyes, and tail to fit the real eyelashes, and adjust the eye shape with small tweezers before the eyelash glue is completely dry before determining the position; Gently clip the real and fake eyelashes together with an eyelash curler, and the force should not be too strong. Separation of the real and fake eyelashes will weaken the eyes; Use a slender brush to apply eye black to closely fit true and false eyelashes; Use eyeliner to fill the gap between the true and false eyelashes, and then describe the eye shape adjustment completely